Amanda Cachia

Art History
Primary Email: [email protected]
Amanda Cachia is an art historian, independent curator and critic from Sydney, Australia. She received her PhD in Art History, Theory & Criticism from the University of California San Diego in 2017. Her research focuses on modern and contemporary art; curatorial studies and activism; exhibition design and access; decolonizing the museum; and the politics of embodied disability language in visual culture. She is currently working on two book projects: a monograph based on her dissertation entitled Disability, Art, Agency: Participation and the Revision of the Senses solicited by Duke University Press, and the edited volume Curating Access: Disability Art Activism and Creative Accommodation under contract with Routledge to be released in December 2022, that includes over 30 contributors from around the world.
Cachia currently teaches art history, visual culture, and curatorial and exhibition studies at Otis College of Art and Design, California Institute of the Arts, California State University Long Beach, California State University San Marcos and San Diego State University. She serves as Field Editor for West Coast Exhibitions (2020-2023).