Faculty and Staff

Gary Benzel
LecturerGraphic DesignUndergraduate AdvisorSDSU[email protected]Art Advising Email: [email protected]ARTS 300A
James Bowman
LecturerGraphic DesignSDSU[email protected]
Robin Brisebois
LecturerInterior ArchitectureSDSU[email protected]
James Brown
LecturerInterior ArchitectureSDSU[email protected]ARTN 302B
Annie Buckley
Professor of Art and DesignInstitute for the Arts, Humanities, and Social JusticeCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected]ARTS 557
Juan Cabrera
LecturerFoundationsSDSU[email protected]
Amanda Cachia
LecturerArt HistorySDSU[email protected]
Avery Caldwell
Assistant ProfessorGraphic DesignDesign Area CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]ARTN 314A
Claudia Cano
LecturerFoundationsSDSU[email protected]
Micki Carlson
Fiscal Accounts CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]619-594-4883ARTN 506
Carlos Castro
Associate ProfessorPainting and PrintmakingArt Area CoodinatorSDSU[email protected]ARTN 504A
Dillon Chapman
LecturerArt HistorySDSU[email protected]
Charles Crawford
LecturerInterior ArchitectureSDSU[email protected]
Krysi Diaz
LecturerInterior ArchitectureSDSU[email protected]
Matt Dunn
Equipment TechnicianSDSU[email protected]ARTN 419
Kim Elliott
Assistant to the DirectorSDSU[email protected]619-594-1213ARTN 505
Reed Fagan
LecturerJewelry and MetalworkInstructional Support TechnicianDigital Fabrication LabSDSU[email protected]ARTN 415
Katie Francis
LecturerSchool of Art and DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected]ARTN 112
Jennifer Galarza
Office and Public Relations / Events CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]619-594-1214ARTN 505
Bertha Aguilar Garcia
LecturerArt EducationSDSU[email protected]
Chitra Gopalakrishnan
LecturerGraphic DesignSDSU[email protected]
Matthew Hebert
ProfessorFurniture Design and WoodworkingSDSU[email protected]ARTN 106B
CJ Heyliger
LecturerSchool of Art and DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected]ARTN 407A
Ashley Kim
LecturerCeramicsSDSU[email protected]
Jennette La Quire
LecturerInterior ArchitectureSDSU[email protected]ARTN 302B
Brandon Lim
Academic AdvisorSchool of Art and DesignSDSU[email protected]619-594-5918ARTS 559
Martin Luera
LecturerDrawing and Life DrawingSDSU[email protected]ARTN 514B
Theresa Luu
Undergraduate AdvisorSchool of Art and DesignSDSU[email protected]619-594-2111PSFA 221
Brandie Maddalena
Undergraduate AdvisorSchool of Art and DesignSDSU[email protected]619-594-2111ARTS 559
Adam Manley
Associate ProfessorFurniture Design and WoodworkingSDSU[email protected]ARTN 208
Nelle Martin
LecturerInterior Architecture and PrintmakingSDSU[email protected]
Arzu Ozkal
ProfessorGraphic DesignSDSU[email protected]619-594-7390ARTN 418A
Chantel Paul
Galleries and Exhibitions CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]619-594-6332ARTN 300C
Dane Picard
LecturerMultimediaSDSU[email protected]
Stacey Prince
LecturerSchool of Art and DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected][email protected]
Kerianne Quick
Associate ProfessorJewelry and MetalworkSDSU[email protected]ARTN 406
Diego Robles
LecturerArt EducationInternship CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]ARTS 576
Sondra Sherman
ProfessorJewelry and MetalworkGraduate AdvisorGraduate Program CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]ARTN 405
Neil Shigley
LecturerDrawing and IllustrationSDSU[email protected]ARTS 568
Mark Siprut
Associate ProfessorMultimediaSDSU[email protected]ARTN 418B
Justin Smith
Equipment TechnicianApplied DesignSDSU[email protected]619-594-1175ARTN 419
Gillian Sneed
Assistant ProfessorArt HistoryArt History and Foundations CoordinatorSDSU[email protected]ARTN 510
Kim Stringfellow
ProfessorPhotographySDSU[email protected]ARTN 407A
Eva Struble
ProfessorPainting and PrintmakingSDSU[email protected]ARTN 517B
Heather Sweeney
Undergraduate AdvisorSchool of Art and DesignSDSU[email protected]619-594-2111PSFA 296
Iren Tete
Assistant ProfessorCeramicsSDSU[email protected]ARTN 113
Dr. Eunice Uhm
Assistant ProfessorArt HistorySchool of Art and DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected]619-594-9827ARTN 514G
Christiana Updegraff
LecturerFine ArtSchool of Art and DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected]ARTS 473-B
Beth Weeks
LecturerGraphic DesignSDSU[email protected]ARTN 300A
Tessie Whitmore
LecturerDrawing and PaintingSDSU[email protected]ARTN 501G
Dr. Allyson Williams
LecturerArt HistorySchool of Art and DesignCollege of Professional Studies and Fine ArtsSDSU[email protected]ARTN 508-509
Ann Woods
LecturerArt HistorySDSU[email protected]ARTN 508-9
Scott Wyss
LecturerGraphic DesignSDSU[email protected]ARTN 300A
Tina Yapelli
ProfessorDirector and Senior CuratorSDSU[email protected]619-594-6511ARTN 505
Kit Yerks
Information Technology ConsultantSDSU[email protected]619-594-2192ARTN 216B